Fortune Telling in Coffee grinds




Fortune Telling in a cup – Tassology

Interestingly enough, somewhere at the age between 10-12, hanging about with loads of Hungarian Gypsy (Roma) people, on the outskirts of Novi Sad (Serbia), an older lady, whose grandson was a friend of mine, sat me down and said that I look like a caring and warm person with a lot of love to give. She said, her grandson does not have the ancient gift of fortune telling, but that I do. This took me by surprise and gave me instant goosebumps. I suddenly felt strange warmth around her and I could not take my eyes off her eyes. They were like blue steel with a bottomless end. The connection was made. I ended up hanging around her more and more, learning her skills while she had customers that needed help, advice or vision of their fortune. Since then, I read peoples’ fortune in Turkish Coffee regularly. I have used this skill on many occasions in return for bags of coffee while I was a “poor” uni student.


If you want to book Tassology

Ahmet’s is the preferred meeting location.